Put rosemary with oil in a jar – you’ll want to do this every night

To start a good climb towards healing, you have to prepare the natural remedy based on extra virgin olive oil and rosemary. You need 4 tablespoons of EVO oil and fresh rosemary.

Oil and rosemary soaked in water are mixed, then the mixture is rubbed on the affected area and left to act for at least 20 minutes. It is advisable to repeat the operation until the pain passes or at least decreases.

Oil and rosemary, the miraculous preparation
Alternatively, there is a second ready-made preparation that gives excellent results. If you don’t have fresh rosemary, you can also use dried rosemary, which has the same properties as freshly picked green rosemary.

Then take a spoonful of dried rosemary, or a few sprigs of fresh rosemary and place them in a large jar of at least 250 ml. Then you pour olive oil on top and close the lid. It is left in a dark environment for at least 10 days wrapped in a cloth.

After that, the oil can be used to solve any problem of any kind as long as with commitment and perseverance.

How to take advantage of the benefits and properties of rosemary by preparing a delicious tea

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