When you don’t have vitamin C, you can’t make that energy. A little lemon water here and there helps prevent scurvy and the fatigue that comes with it.

Now everyone’s gonna think I’m some hippie that believes your body’s acidic if you eat candy and not broccoli. Don’t worry. I know your blood pH will not change just because you drank a glass of water with a slice of lemon in it.

But, I also know that foods like sugar, meat and something like coffee are in fact acid-forming foods. Eating them will not affect your blood pH at all. But this acidity can degrade, little by little, tissues in your body – like your muscles or your bones. Why?

Well, the reason is, the acid that is formed when metabolizing these foods needs to get out of your body somehow. It’s not welcome there. And that’s the problem here. We need to neutralize this acid, so that it can go through the kidneys and get out of there ASAP. We can do this by eating enough vegetables since they contain acid-neutralizing minerals. But if we don’t, we’ll get those minerals from the body’s biggest mineral reserves: the bones and the muscles.

Drinking some lemon water throughout the day, even if you’re not eating perfectly, can help provide those acid-neutralizing molecules, so that your body doesn’t use its own reserves.

Okay, I think I squeezed everything out of that lemon water and its benefits. Let’s be real, it’s not magic. But it’s easy to make, doesn’t cost much and it’s a good way to add some extra vitamin C, other antioxidants and water to your diet. Plus it doesn’t cost a ton of calories, almost none.



see continuation on next page

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