I have no idea what is this?

This is a winch mechanism that could have been part of elevator for a mine. It could have been part of a tram line that pulled ore cars or logs along a a railway system.Wherever this artifact is located, its purpose is well known and information about its real purpose will be documented by the company that built and operated it.

5.It’s an intergalactic spacecraft transmission module.

6.The workings at a mine. Hauling at a mine or for pumping water out of the mine. A bit too large for an air pump into a mine. Or possibly an ore crusher at a mine. Some old miner will probably correct us all. I’ve seen these at 10 thousand feet at mines in Colorado and hauled in pieces on the back of donkeys or mules. Or Men. They just don’t make men like that anymore.

7.Looking at the flat gear seems it musta been a belt drive, looking at the age of that brick and the fact it has a belt drive it may have had a steam powered operating mechanism to run it back in the day, looking at the size of the gears and the gear reduction my guess is that it may have possibly controlled a small dam or a large valve.

8.I’m sure there was a river there at one time and they created some type of pump or electrical power or something because that’s all that could be

9.The first idea that entered my mind was a mechanism that would lift a huge & heavy wall or gate….

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