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- Water : Although it is a great help, it can only remove a fraction of these chemicals. If possible, peel any non-organic fruits you eat. Soaking fruits and vegetables in a solution of water, baking soda, and vinegar for a few minutes can help release pesticide particles, but it is not entirely effective.
- Activated carbon : To improve the effectiveness of the previous solution composed of water, bicarbonate and vinegar, you can add activated carbon. When you stir the solution, the porosity of the activated carbon will attract and trap the pesticide particles.
- Cooking : Steaming helps eliminate some of the pesticides, even if it is difficult to apply it to the fruit. Unfortunately, steaming also destroys enzymes and some vitamins.
- Seaweed : Consumption of these products (kombu, arame, wakame) will help eliminate heavy metals and other toxins from the body.