Here’s How to Use a Tea Bag to Keep Bugs and Rodents Away

Making sure your home is clean is usually a good way to reduce the number of pests in your home. In the case of spiders and mice, not only will a clean home provide fewer places to hide, but it will also prevent mice and spiders from eating. Without a food source, and with fewer hiding places, it will be harder for spiders and mice to stay.

Some spiders tend to build their webs in the corners of the ceiling. Often these webs can be vacuumed up or at least removed with an extendable broom.

Are there any health dangers to having mice and spiders in the home?
The mice
As mice move around your home, looking for food and places to nest, they are not shy about relieving themselves in between, including on food preparation surfaces and even food.

Unfortunately, mice can carry diseases and bacteria. One of the dangers of having mice in your living space is contracting lymphocytic choriomeningitis. Simply put, lymphocytic choriomeningitis is a disease that you can contract if you come into contact with mouse urine, droppings, saliva, or nesting materials used by infected mice.

The initial symptoms are similar to those of the common flu: loss of appetite, headache, nausea, vomiting. But they can degenerate into neurological disease.

Even if you don’t see them, mice could have been walking all over your kitchen counters with their dirty paws. This is a health risk if your home has a rodent infestation.


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