Beignets avec fromage de légumes

Pour le fromage râpé sur les légumes et bien mélangez.

Dans une autre bol, mélanger la farine à toutes les usages, le sel, le poivre black, la levure chimique, la semoule de maïs,

Ail powder with paprika.

Pour le lait en fouettant après avoir battez les œufs dans un autre bol.

Graduellement incorporer les ingrédients secs au mélange de fromage et légumes, puis l’œuf et lait.

blend. Remember to stir until all the ingredients are well combined. If the paste seems too thick to you, you may add an

extra milk a little bit.

Step 3: Lightly fry the beignets

Heat up around 1/4 cup of vegetable oil in a large medium-sized saucepan.

Once the oil is hot, place several pastry cutters in the pot and gently press them with your fingers.

from the cuillère to create little galettes.

Fry the beignets in batches, giving each side 3 to 4 minutes to fry or until they are well cooked.

Et croustillant. Pour le surplus d’huile sur une assiette tapissée de paper absorbant et réfrigérer les beignets cuits.

Step 4: Serving
Serve the vegetable beignets with warm cheese and garnish with fresh parsley or cilantro, if preferred.

You may eat these beignets by themselves or with your favorite topping, such as ranch or aigre.

crème or spicy mayonnaise.

Advice for the ideal beignets

Drain the vegetables: be careful to remove any excess moisture from the carrots and any other liquid.

veggies to keep the croustillant beignets fresh.

Selection of cheese: Feel free to use whatever cheese you choose, although a combination of mozzarella and cheddar works well.

very well.

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