4. Orange peel. People love the smell of citrus, but supposedly, spiders don’t. Natural Living Ideas says to take the peel of 1 orange and pour 1 cup of boiling water over it. Let it steep overnight. Strain the peel from the water and add 1/4 cup witch hazel to the water. Spray this where spiders come in.
5. Vinegar. Another scent that spiders are not supposed to like, Country Living says to make a mixture that’s half white vinegar and half water. Spray this around the house.
6. Cat. Surprisingly, this one may actually work. Natural Living Ideas shares that cats are hunters and they observe tiny details. A cat will help catch spiders, but you may need a lot of cats to keep all the spiders under control.
7. Liquid dish soap. Home Remedy Hacks recommends combining a few drops of liquid dish soap in a spray bottle with water. This can be sprayed where spiders enter.
8. Plants. Since certain smells are supposed to repel spiders, Common Sense Home recommends planting them outside your house: lemon balm, lemon verbena, lemon grass, lavender, eucalyptus and mint should all be considered.
Whether these remedies actually work, you’ll have to be the judge.