5 New Things Your Blood Type Says About Your Health

Heart attack

Not many people are aware of the fact that one of the easiest ways to predict your chances of suffering a heart attack is by looking at your family history. That is right; people who have relatives that have suffered a heart attack have a much higher chance of suffering from a heart attack themselves. Another way to calculate your chances is by looking at your blood type. According to the European Society of Cardiology, people who possess a non-O blood type have a 9% higher risk of suffering from a heart attack [1].

3: Ulcers


Just like the way H. Pylori can increase the chances of stomach cancer in people with A and AB, it can increase the chances of ulcers in those with blood type O. According to the US National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), the immune system of O blood people attacks H. Pylori ferociously.[2] This intense attack leaves them with swelling, inflammation and stomach ulcers.

4: Cognitive Decline


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